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Promote this poll: John Keane: Person A needs to heat their garage to cut some wood for Person B (who is not aware this will happen tonight), but is usual tennant in said garage. Person A moves a propane heater away from the wall of the garage and turns it on high. Person A proceeds to call Person B (who should be on way home) on their cell to advise, however, cell phone is out of range (this usually means the person is still at work). Person A then tries to call Person B at work, but there is no answer. Person A figures Person B is on route to parking garage, where they will get service, so Person A texts Person B and writes Dont Park in Garage, park in front of it. 20 minutes later, Person A enters garage from backyard to find Person B parked their car in the garage, with propane heater facing car only 2.5 inches away. Said cars suffers minor damage (slightly melted side of rear bumper). Person B tells A that their cell phone had died and they did not get the message until they were in the house. Who is at

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