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Allofus Atmwa
Allofus Atmwa
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Have you prepared your home to prevent a colder weather water emergency? (for more information on how to prevent a water emergency in your home log onto www.hdawac.org)
1 vote
Have you prepared your home to prevent a colder weather water emergency? (for more information on how to prevent a water emergency in your home log onto www.hdawac.org)
0 votes
The Cash for Grass program offers up to 50-cents per square foot for turf removal—will you participate when the program re-starts November 1, 2010?
0 votes
The Water Conservation Incentive Program (WCIP) has been suspended until November 2010; do you believe people will continue to take steps to conserve water without the incentives?
5 votes
How do you feel about pursuing desalination as a future water supply for the High Desert?
90 votes
How concerned are you about the availability of future water supplies?
4 votes
Which uses more water per day:
2 votes
Mojave Water Agency has a scholarship program with the three Community Colleges in its service area to help prepare college students for careers in water. Just as there are college prep courses taught in high school for medical, legal and other profession
3 votes
If MWA had the opportunity to purchase additional water rights from another source—and has the financial means to do so—the Agency should do so with an “eye” on the future
3 votes
Many homeowners could monitor for and detect leaks using their water meter. Do you read your own water meter to monitor household use?
2 votes
Many High Desert cities have conservation information and incentives for their customers. Do you think that your county, city or town is doing enough to conserve High Desert water resources?
6 votes
Greywater recycling in California is easier than ever. Would you participate in an incentive program that assists in the cost of installing a single fixture or simple graywater system?
3 votes
There are two pipelines in the Mojave Water Agency service area that are recharging high quality water into the groundwater basin. Do you support groundwater recharge capital projects to provide additional supply to our underground aquifers?
3 votes
Mojave Water Agency does not have land use authority and therefore cannot approve or deny development projects (only the cities/towns and the county can in their jurisdiction); MWA:
3 votes
Do you prefer desert landscaping (i.e. rockscapes & low-water plants) or traditional landscaping (large lawns & mature trees/plants)?
2 votes
The Mojave River Basin Adjudication was designed to bring the region’s water aquifers into balance (ensure that no more is taken out than what goes in), in your opinion:
3 votes
How did your water use at home in 2009 compare to 2008?
2 votes
Which is more important for the High Desert: water conservation or acquiring new water supplies?
6 votes
Which uses the most water at a typical single-family home?
4 votes
Have you heard of the Water Conservation Incentive Program?
3 votes
Is water quality good in the High Desert?
6 votes
Should consumers receive a financial incentive if after a year they can prove a reduction in personal water use?
3 votes
Would you support a new State Water Bond to finance a fix of the state's water infrastructure challenges?
6 votes
Do you believe that California is suffering a water crisis?
8 votes
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