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John Verse-Slinger Mendoza
John Verse-Slinger Mendoza
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Am I this? Hand - Faith, sincerity and justice.
1 vote
Is this me? Harpy - Ferocity under provocation.
1 vote
Is this me? Pegasus - Exceeding activity and energy of mind whereby one may mount to honour.
2 votes
Is this me? Griffin - Sets forth the property of a valorous soldier whose magnanimity is such that he will dare all dangers, and even death itself, rather than become captive.
1 vote
Is this me? Unicorn - Extreme courage.
1 vote
Is this me? Cock (Rooster)- Courage, always ready for battle, ready to fight to the death.
1 vote
Does this describe me? Swallow - One who is prompt and ready in the dispatch of his business.
1 vote
Does this describe me? Goose and Duck - A man of many resources.
1 vote
Does this describe me? Pelican - Devoted and self-sacrificing charity.
1 vote
Is this me? Hawks or Falcons Bells - One who feared not to signal his approach in either peace or war.
1 vote
Does this describe me? Falcon or Hawk - One eager or hot in the pursuit of an object much desired.
1 vote
Is this me? Double Eagle and Eagle - Signifies a man of action, ever more occupied in high and weighty affairs, and one of lofty spirit, ingenious, speedy in apprehension and judicious in matters of ambiguity.
1 vote
Is this me? Most of you will probably get the wrong answer. Grasshopper - Wisdom and nobility.
1 vote
Is this me? Ant - Symbolizes a man of great labor, wisdom and providence.
1 vote
Is this me? Camel - Docility, patience and indefatigable perseverance.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this?
0 votes
Do you think I am like this? Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound - Courage, vigilancy and loyal fidelity.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Fox - One who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own defense.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Beaver - Industry and perseverance.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Hares and Rabbits - One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Ram - Authority. (This will be a tough one for almost all of my friends)
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Lamb - Gentleness and patience under suffering.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Goat - Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of policy than valor.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Boar - A fierce combatant when at bay, and ceases fighting only with its life, and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior.
1 vote
Do you think I am like this? Bull or Ox - Valor and magnanimity.
0 votes
Do you think I am like this? Horse - Readiness for all employments for king (Jesus) and country.
0 votes
Do you think I am like this? Leopard - Valiant and hardy warrior.
0 votes
Do you think I am like this? Elephant - Courage and strength.
0 votes
Do you think I am like this? Rhinoceros - Great ferocity when aroused.
0 votes
Wolf - Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous to assail or thwart. Do you think I am like this?
1 vote
Bear - Ferocity in the protection of kindred. Do you think I am like a Bear?
1 vote
Do you think I am a Tiger? - Great fierceness and valor when enraged to combat; one whose resentment will be dangerous if aroused.
2 votes
Do you think I am like a Lion? Lion means Deathless Courage.
1 vote
Do you think I am capable of killing someone, such as in self defense? (Not with bare hands)
6 votes
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