Who Gets YOUR VOTE for Rockstar Rescue's 2013 Golden Paw of Fame Winner ?

44 votes


Please click through Edgar's "Album", read each photo, learn about his time with Rockstar and his AMAZING recovery and adoption to help you decide before voting:
Copy/Paste this link in another window to view: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.570007086356825.1073741830.145139675510237&type=3

52% / 23 votes

Please click through Frampton's "Album", read each photo, learn about his time with Rockstar and his AMAZING recovery and adoption to help you decide before voting:
Copy/Paste this link in another window to view: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.637838502907016.1073741862.145139675510237&type=3
48% / 21 votes

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