Which of the following types of beer would you drink normally (select all that apply)?

119 votes

Amber Ale (strong malt flavors, sometimes followed by caramel notes)
20% / 24 votes
American Lager (low-level grainy or corn-like sweetness; ranges from slightly malty to slightly bitter)
18% / 22 votes
Hefeweizen (wheat beer with a hint of banana or citrus flavor and very low bitterness)
17% / 20 votes
Pale Ale (moderate to high hop bitterness with some citrus flavors)
15% / 18 votes
Stout (notes of coffee or chocolate and very low levels of bitterness)
14% / 17 votes
India Pale Ale (similar to pale ales but with medium to high bitterness from the hops)
9% / 11 votes
Gose, cider
2% / 2 votes
2% / 2 votes
imperial stouts
1% / 1 vote
Scotch Ale
1% / 1 vote
1% / 1 vote

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