I'm an animal-loving girl who is studying in Grade 7. Here is my wildlife picture of a House Finch living in a Saguaro Cactus hole. I toured Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix,Arizona.This is an exellent example of living things interacting with each other in a desert ecosystem. The House Finch didn't make the hole,though. Gila Woodpeckers peck a hole in a cactus. The woodpecker lives in the holeĀ for a while, then moves out. Then, other animals such as Owls, European Starlings, Insect-Eating Bats, Mice,small songbirds, and insects occupy the cavity. The nesting cavity is well insulated from heat and cold. I 'm very lucky to have a picture taken of a beautiful House Finch insde a Saguaro Cactus cavity.