Would you utilize after hours and weekends in addition to our regular Monday-Friday 8-5 hours, and instead of our Monday-Friday 8-5 hours?

41 votes

78% / 32 votes
2% / 1 vote
Monday-Friday extended hours
2% / 1 vote
Saturday Mornings 8am-11am
12% / 5 votes
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
2% / 1 vote
There are not a lot of options should children be ill on Saturday and Sunday. Have to go to an Urgent Care facility with PA’s/NP’s not always trained in pediatrics. A Saturday & Sunday clinic for sick-visits would fill this gap and allow for continuity of care due to access of patient records, as it would be within the same medical system, with trusted and pediatric-specific MD’s.
2% / 1 vote

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