We had an overwhelming 76 entrees to the "Caption This" free room giveaway. These are the top 10!

1 vote
Kevin Foutz "Does this purse make me look fat? And don't lie, or I'll use my magic Lasso-of-Truth on ya."
100% / 1 vote
Jim Patrick Sadly, it was Wonder Woman's love of date nights with Captain America that caused her downfall. Her invisible plane had to be retrofitted into a scooter to travel around Wal-Mart, where her bracelets could not deflect the cold stares from judgmental strangers.
0% / 0 votes
Erik Jessen First in line for the HAIRSPRAY: SUPERHERO EDITION auditions
0% / 0 votes
Megan Jones Jensen Super Powers + Human Growth Hormones = Epic Fail
0% / 0 votes
Jeromy Wood That awkward moment when you see someone wearing the exact same costume.
0% / 0 votes
Marci Barker Wonder Woman, "Ogden is known for high adventure and recreation right? I need to get back in shape!!!"
0% / 0 votes
Elisabeth Halliday Wonderwoman gets ready for her 30 year class reunion.
0% / 0 votes
Stacy Mills You know you're in Ogden when this is the second weirdest thing you've seen on your way to work in the morning...
0% / 0 votes
David Jackson If only those bracelets could also stop éclairs.
0% / 0 votes
Pam Kaye Alexander Hymas Girl please, that handbag is totally wrong for that outfit.
0% / 0 votes

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