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Does your company plan to expand/hire globally before the end of 2010?
2 votes
Is your organization's performance management process more quantitative, "softer" or a blend?
8 votes
Does your HR team look at succession planning - from hire to development?
5 votes
In your opinion, does the glass ceiling still exist?
4 votes
How important is it to provide HR metrics at your organization?
2 votes
How important is providing professional development opportunities at your organization?
3 votes
Is your company looking to integrate any of these HR functions soon?
2 votes
Love at the office. Is inter-office dating a taboo anymore?
2 votes
Should employee engagement be rewarded?
2 votes
Should employee engagement be rewarded?
1 vote
Should employee engagement be rewarded?
0 votes
Should employee engagement be rewarded?
0 votes
Should employee engagement be rewarded?
0 votes
How do you feel about hiring your competitor's former salespeople?
1 vote
Nature vs. Nurture- can creativity be taught in the workplace? We know there are some pretty strong opinions on this topic. Let us know what you think.
2 votes
Where should companies draw the line with social networking at the office?
3 votes
Where should companies draw the line with social networking at the office?
0 votes
What one thing from the options below would help you do your job better in 2010?
3 votes
What one thing from the options below would help you do your job better in 2010?
0 votes
What percentage of your business’ technology spend do you estimate will be invested in tools to help manage talent in 2010?
2 votes
What does your spending for 2010 look like?
2 votes
What is your top ‘HR department’ challenge going into 2010?
4 votes
We want to know: How is HR perceived by the management in your company?
3 votes
Trick or Treat: Is the economy bringing out the best--or the worst--of your employer?
8 votes
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