Would you participate in Restorative Justice if you had been a victim of crime?

70 votes

54% / 38 votes
17% / 12 votes
I don’t know what restorative justice is
17% / 12 votes
I think it would depend on the crime that been committed against the me as well as how confident and supported I felt through the process. I like the idea of it and feel it could be very beneficial.
6% / 4 votes
It would depend on the severity of the crime
1% / 1 vote
It would depend on the nature of the crime and also whether I thought the justice system would act on my behalf or not. I am not a violent person so would not act violently to another either.
1% / 1 vote
Depends what the crime was
1% / 1 vote
Would depend on the crime.
1% / 1 vote

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